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BRILLIANCE IN LIFE™ WORKSHOP- Take your life and relationships to the next level..Live Brilliantly
Based on best seller book by Sh. Amit Kohli "BRILLIANCE Your Ultimate PLAN™ to Attract Millionaire Riches, Money, Prosperity, Power and Consciousness"
1. 1 Day Foundation- Integrating the System - Ultimate PLAN & Brilliance concepts
2. 2 Day Extensive - Mastering the System-Ultimate PLAN & Brilliance in Biz
3. 5 Day Retreat - Super Highway to Brilliance in Life
BRILLIANCE IN BIZ™ WORKSHOP - Take your business and Career to the next level..Work Brilliantly
Based on best seller book by Sh. Amit Kohli "BRILLIANCE Your Ultimate PLAN™ to Attract Millionaire Riches, Money, Prosperity, Power and Consciousness"
1. 1 Day Foundation- Integrating the System- Ultimate PLAN & Brilliance concepts
2. 2 Day Extensive - Mastering the System-Ultimate PLAN & Brilliance in Biz
3. 5 Day Retreat - Super Highway to Brilliance in Biz
Present day business environment is very competitive and fast changing. The skills and knowledge which lent a leading edge few years ago are obsolete now. Failure to keep up with latest information is one of the reasons for stagnating or depleting wealth status. A system which provides a cutting edge over similar dispensations is the need of the hour.
BRILLIANCE IN LIFE & BRILLIANCE IN BIZ - The Ultimate PLAN System is based on a unique approach using holistic solutions derived from ancient wisdom coupled with cutting-edge science and practical experience. This system has helped enrich lives of thousands of people, enabled top executives and business owners perform better and generate greater wealth and abundance.
This workshop is designed to change your perspective about wealth and the approach to generating and protecting it.
Most people have challenges with respect to wealth. They limit themselves and fail to experience life fully. Even though they work hard, they are unable to improve their financial status. These people have confined themselves by the use of erroneous and ineffective programming. Even though they desire wealth, they are ill-equipped to acquire and handle it.
This workshop will help you harness the ability to be conscious of the wealth that you have and develop wealth consciousness to live a brilliant life full of joy, happiness, health, abundance, successful career, spiritual growth and wonderful relationships.
This particular system makes wealth generation easy and practical. More importantly, this system enables you to grow and enhance your wealth in systemic, integrated manner so that you preserve the good in your life, expand your horizons, and enhance your potential to a new level.
In case you are interested to attend this amazing workshop, please enter your details in the form or call +91 9971120984.